Each December here near the mountains I brace myself against the coming chill and darkness, then it comes, and look!  Winter is so beautiful, its quiet so profound, I nestle into it and wonder how I can ever bear to go on again to bright, expectant spring.  The December Solstice is my favorite holiday in the Northern Hemisphere, and in a different way, in the Southern Hemisphere summer.  It marks an undeniable natural cycle, and this year (with much hoopla) perhaps more than usual as, according to the Mayan calendar, we begin a long cycle of cycles anew.

The lunar waxing and waning, our blood pumping, energy flowing, our taking in and releasing, the living and dying of our cells, the expansion and contraction of the universe, are all cycles, nothing ending, from our mysterious beginnings as stardust.  We are fractals in fractals made of fractals, all in cyclic motion.  Tuning in to our rhythms consciously and supporting their natural flow makes us more tranquil, stronger, and healthier.  My favorite way to do this is daily qigong (“chee-gong”) practice.  Of the many forms of qigong, my beloved is Chinese Essence Qigong.

This year I’m pleased to see qigong listed by Prevention magazine online as its 4th best way to prevent colds and flu.  I have to smile noting that #1 and #5 are meditation and exercise, because Chinese Essence Qigong is moving meditation that provides both of these.  Prevention’s #8 is sleep, and consistent qigong practice promotes deep and restful sleep.  (Remember, as with any practice, qigong’s benefits are proportional to the consistence and persistence of your practice.)

Call me when you’d like to learn more about qigong and experience its power for yourself.  Meanwhile, may you find peace and joy in the Winter Solstice 2012 and beyond.