This spring my friend and Chinese Essence Qigong student, Sandra Kunz, accepted an invitation to visit China with the esteemed qigong master, Huixian Chen, the beautiful woman you see in this photo. Sandra brought me the photo as a gift when she returned, and I was immediately struck by the way Chen’s energy projects from it, a palpable tonifying of my own qi/life energy system and that of any viewer. Take a moment to look at the image, absorb the loving energy beaming from Chen’s smile. That’s a gift from her to all of us.Chen 2015

While practicing qigong can be a profound stimulus for spiritual development, qigong itself is not a religion and requires no “belief.” It takes no special skill, only the willingness to pay attention to directing your energy, your qi, with your mind, and to your movement and breathing. As you begin a regular daily practice, qigong teaches itself in a feedback loop of experience and sensation. In my fourteen years of practicing Chinese Essence Qigong it has rewarded me with peace of mind, good health, perspective, and flexibility.

Sandra and I invite those of you who are in Oregon to join us on Monday, November 16th, from 6:30 to 7:30 (or so) at my Westside Bend studio. You’ll hear about her experiences in China with Chen and other qigong masters, and see her photos from that trip. RSVP with a text to 541.390.9652 or email [email protected], for directions. (Space is limited.)

Chen intends to lead another trip to China in 2016. After hearing Sandra’s qigong stories, you may be inspired to go along. You can find Chen’s autobiography, Life Is Always Smiling on Amazon.