My paternal grandmother never wore makeup, she worked hard every day indoors and out, had a wardrobe that fit easily on a four foot closet rail, gave away most gifts she received, and offered her grandchildren pure love along with big fresh bread rolls and butter she made herself. She’s part of my inspiration in perpetually seeking simplicity in my own life, though I fall far short of her example. She was the only girl in her Slovakian village who learned to read, yet never, to my knowledge, owned a book. She crossed the Atlantic three times and said she loved traveling, yet she rarely stepped off the ranch in all my growing up years. More than once, she flashed her beautiful smile and told me she was lucky. She lived gratitude. 

Luck and gratitude are terms we throw around easily, as though we know what they mean, as though tOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAhey mean two separate things. Another woman might have lived Grandma’s country life and considered herself to be suffering a trial. Gratitude is the lens through which we can see our luck; we create our luck through gratitude. Easily said by me, living life in abundance, yet if I shift my perspective I can see past and present darkness that only a fool would consider good fortune. Am I the fool to consider my life lucky? Perhaps, yet among all the gifts my grandmother gave me, I treasure that foolishness.

I’m grateful, too, for attentive and willing students in my first Essence Qigong Intensive of 2014. Joan says Thank you!! This form really resonated with me, simple but effective. My body feels toned and I had so much energy all day. 

Two opportunities to learn (or review) Essence Qigong in Bend with your sweetie, or your best friend, in honor of Valentine’s Day: Thursday, February 13th or Saturday, February 15th, 10am – 4pm. $110 for one person, half-price for whomever you choose to bring along.

I wish you joy in good fortune in 2014.