My mother was astonished when I told her on her birthday she was 90 years old. “No! When did that happen?” I don’t think she believed me. The fact almost instantly disappeared from her awareness into that vast territory Things That Don’t Matter Anymore. Her life has left much accumulation, but little history, and what remains is like bird tracks in the snow. My amazing stepfather lured her home from death’s borders a year ago by the power of his devotion, but part of her stayed out there, and more vanishes every day. My story is diminished along with hers. Only one ancient uncle survives who remembers my father and mother when they were young and beautiful, and me as a child. I still had things I wanted to tell my mother. Was there anything she still wanted to confide to me, or to her granddaughter? All lost. Yet she laughs in celebration of the simplest things.

One cause for celebration, our sweet white cat Nanuq survived being (accidentally, I swear!) locked and tumbled in the hot clothes dryer. It was a near thing, but he doesn’t blame me for causing his misery, and purrs as always, seeing me as his rescuer one more time. Attitude is everything, just ask my mom or my cat.

Thanks to all the participants, new and reviewing, in my recent Chinese Essence Qigong intensive. If you wanted to attend but missed it, give me a call or email and we can plan another session. I’m always happy to answer your questions. Also, this week I had the pleasure of offering my version of energy healing as a gift to others at the Community Healing Night/Canned Food Drive organized by Eileen Lock. The next one is Thursday May 7th, 5pm-7pm at Bend’s Old Stone Church. A gift by the healer is a gift to the healer as well. Thank you to those who came to me, each of you a blessing.

May your joyful spirit find resurrection in this spring’s beauty. A day spent contemplating beauty is never wasted.

Nanuq forgives

Nanuq forgives

When they were young and beautiful

When they were young and beautiful